Brian C. Krause, PSP®
Contact: brian.krause@vsgcompany.com
Prior to his position as a founding member of Vulnerability Solutions Group, LLC, Brian served 25 years as a Trooper with the Pennsylvania State Police. In this time, he was a member of the Risk & Vulnerability Assessment Team (RVAT) within the Domestic Security Division, focusing primarily on conducting risk and vulnerability assessments of public and private facilities and events throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Brian also has extensive experience and expertise in conducting complex and sensitive investigations. In the course of his career, he has worked with countless local, state, federal and international law enforcement officials, as well as prosecutors at every level.
Areas of Specialization
Threat & Vulnerability Assessments: In his time with VSG and the Pennsylvania State Police, Brian personally conducted over 300 threat and vulnerability assessments of public and private facilities, including but not limited to schools, colleges, power plants, casinos, professional sports stadiums, health care facilities, industrial facilities, critical infrastructure, warehouses, factories, government buildings, office buildings, and large special events. He has conducted over 260 assessments on K-12 schools alone. These assessments stressed critical components such as access control, CCTV, intrusion detection, communications, vehicle access, lighting, visitor policies, asset protection, and perimeter control. Brian has also instructed and presented on security assessment methodology, strategies, and implementation.
Investigations: In his 19 years as a criminal investigator, Brian conducted thousands of investigations involving the full spectrum of investigative disciplines, including: homicide, robbery, burglary, assault, sexual assault, drug, fraud, asset misappropriation, forgery, theft, and insurance fraud. He has successfully assisted in the prosecution of countless cases in state and federal courts, as well as located and recovered stolen assets and personal property throughout the state and nation. Brian has conducted hundreds of in-depth, pre-employment background investigations for both enlisted and civilian personnel of the Pennsylvania State Police. He also has extensive experience in gathering intelligence and conducting physical and electronic surveillance in a wide array of sensitive criminal investigations.
Interviewing: Brian is a highly effective interviewer and communicator in both criminal and non-criminal investigations. He has conducted thousands of victim, witness, and suspect interviews throughout his 25 years in law enforcement.
Certifications and Degrees
Brian is Certified as a Physical Security Professional (PSP®) by ASIS International and is a graduate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Physical Security Training Program at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, Georgia. He is approved by the Pennsylvania School Safety & Security Committee as a risk & vulnerability assessment provider, as listed on the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency School Safety & Security Provider Registry. Brian is certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to conduct assessments using the BPATS Tool (Best Practices For Anti-Terrorism Security) for Commercial Facilities in accordance with the Office of SAFETY Act Implementation. He most recently served on the Pennsylvania Commission On Crime & Delinquency (PCCD) Physical/Policy/Training Assessment Criteria Workgroup and the Provider & Registration Criteria Workgroup, both of which advised the PA School Safety & Security Committee in fulfilling the mandates of Act 44 – Pennsylvania’s new School Safety & Security law. He was a member of the former ASIS International School Safety & Security Council, as well as the Physical Security Council, Education Committee. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration of Justice from Pennsylvania State University where he graduated with honors.